I am a Tree
If you water
And nurture me
I will grow
Into a mighty oak
Since 1982
Younger Toddlers (Baby Bees)
The Baby Bee program is a program designed to transition your child from the Toddler program to new levels of learning. Children enter this program between the ages of 18 to 24 months. Our trained staff are loving, nurturing and ready to offer age appropriate educational experiences to each and every child.
In the Baby Bee room, your child will be in an environment which provides a variety of toys and equipment that is designed especially for children who are absorbing language and learning all about their physical world. Children this age are natural explorers. They will be touching, hearing, seeing, smelling and tasting everything. Time will be set aside daily for intentional teaching activities which are designed to stimulate thinking and encourage your child's independent spirit. This class follows the New Jersey Birth to 3 standards and Creative Curriculum. Examples of typical activities include music, dancing, story time, outdoor play, gym activities, dramatic play, art, block building, cooking, puzzles, and sorting. Our program allows children to make choices and prepares them socially for their next level of development while having fun along the way. You will be amazed at all your child's accomplishments.