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Older Toddlers (Busy Bees / Eager Beavers)

Play is essential to your child’s healthy development. At Am-Tree our programs provide environments that are safe and abundant with materials and resources to assist your child on their developmental and educational journey. Throughout these precious ages and stages, our programs are geared to developing your child’s verbal skills, establishing positive feelings, and focus on building fine and gross motor skills. Our caregivers with over 10 years of experience promote socialization and sharing, which are the foundations of learning, problem solving, and cooperation. Music, movement, science, and stories help your child's creativity to flourish. As they pursue the things that capture their interest, they organize their actions and invent strategies for testing their hypotheses. Outside play encourages children to enjoy nature and appreciate how it contributes to their health and well-being. This class follows the New Jersey Birth to 3 standards and Creative Curriculum.

Your child is going to get messy! We provide a risk free, natural setting and feel it is important for children to learn through hands on, meaning play activities. We encourage them to explore and interact with the materials.

It is at this developmental stage that we will be using cups as opposed to sip cups and routinely using the bathroom to change the children's diapers to give the children the opportunity to practice this developmental skill.

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